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Blog — power failure

FAQs. Looking to buy a UPS? Read the answers to the most frequent questions we received!

Posted by Christos Papakyriacou on

FAQs. Looking to buy a UPS? Read the answers to the most frequent questions we received!

If you are considering investing in a UPS to protect your computer system and have questions, this guide includes 70 FAQs, 10 for each section. Covering 1) General information about UPS, answers for 2) Home users, 3) Small Business Systems, 4) IT and Financial Managers, 5) CFO's of Large and Enterprise Level Systems, 6) Doctors and Hospital Administrators and 7) SLAs, Maintenance Service Agreements.

Contact Digicom Ltd, Critical Power experts and UPS Consultants @22-765432 for more in-depth and specific information.

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ΓΝΩΡΙΖΕΙΣ ΟΤΙ… Μικρής ισχύος UPS μέχρι και 3000VA δεν περιλαμβάνουν “χειροκίνητο παρακαμπτήριο διακόπτη?"

Posted by Christos Papakyriacou on

ΓΝΩΡΙΖΕΙΣ ΟΤΙ… Μικρής ισχύος UPS μέχρι και 3000VA δεν περιλαμβάνουν “χειροκίνητο παρακαμπτήριο διακόπτη?"

Μερικά ακόμη μέχρι και 6kVA! Πιθανόν, για να κρατηθούν χαμηλά τα κόστη, ή μικρές οι διαστάσεις! Μικρά συστήματα UPS, απευθύνονται σε χρήστες προσωπικών υπολογιστών και μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις, με περιορισμένους πόρους.   Γιατί αυτό έχει σημασία ρωτάς! Ο χειροκίνητος παρακαμπτήριος διακόπτης, επιτρέπει στους υπολογιστές σας να συνεχίσουν να εργάζονται απρόσκοπτα, χωρίς καμία διακοπή κατά την προληπτική συντήρηση, ή αλλαγή αναλώσιμων εξαρτημάτων όπως μπαταρίες. Τα σχεδιαγράμματα απεικονίζουν αυτή την απλή λειτουργία. UPS ισχύος από 3 μέχρι και 6kVA, μπορούν να προστατεύουν ένα Server Rack, με πολλούς Servers και άλλα συστήματα επικοινωνίας. Αυτά σε αρκετές περιπτώσεις δεν μπορούν να σβήσουν για συντήρηση! H...

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Are you having computer problems, even if you have a UPS?

Posted by Christos Papakyriacou on

Are you having computer problems, even if you have a UPS?

Is your UPS working correctly? If you had a UPS installed to protect your computer systems, but you are still having problems with your computers, perhaps you should check the following: 1) When was your UPS installed? If more than 1 year, it needs attention! 2) When was it serviced last? Depending on the working environment, a UPS should be serviced a minimum of once per year. More if it is working in a dusty, non air-conditioned room! 3) What equipment were actually connected to your UPS? Did you make a list? The installer may have omitted to connect to it...

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7 Questions you must ask your UPS supplier regarding maintenance!

Posted by Christos Papakyriacou on

7 Questions you must ask your UPS supplier regarding maintenance!

Even though many articles are written, by more experienced colleagues abroad on the subject of UPS, regarding the need for proper maintenance with which I wholeheartedly agree, I feel I must also repeat some basics, particularly applicable to our Cyprus market and conditions.  It is well known by now that, the best way to keep vital electronic equipment and critical services going, no matter what the condition of the electricity supply, is by using an Uninterruptible Power Supply or UPS. Emergency Lights, Medical Equipment, Telecommunication, Security Services, Data Processing Centers, even our Home and Small Business Computers all depend on clean, stable and Uninterrupted Electricity Supply to do what they...

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What Is A UPS And What Value Does It Offer?⚡

Posted by Christos Papakyriacou on

What Is A UPS And What Value Does It Offer?⚡

I was watching a sales webinar recently, dealing with the value our products offer our clients, when I suddenly realized that there may be potential customers and business owners (the market who would benefit from our products and services), who do not know what a UPS is or what it does, or how such a device can help them personally and their business. It also dawned on me that perhaps I was suffering from the “curse of knowledge” 😱 which is the assumption that because I deal with UPS and Critical Power every day since 1982, I am unknowingly assuming...

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